phew..honestly i was shattered by the end of the day!.. id forgotten how active my little boy is in the day ..he never stopped.. at the minute I'm so use to strapping the youngest in the pram and out we go that to suddenly be running around after an extremely active 4 yr old ( but extremely gorgeous so we'll let him off) was a bit of a shock to the system!!!
one day i just said right its a pyjama day today and didn't get any of us dressed for the whole day.. in one way it was very slobby of us but in another way very much needed!!
so Ive not really had that much time to shop around and buy pretty things as much as i would have liked.. but i did manage to get an hour to myself last week oooo one hour what luxury !!.. so managed to cram in some charity shop hunting ..
i picked up this lovely set of bedding.. its the palest of pink and I'm just in love with the lace edging especially on the pillowcases. i'll just bung this in the washing machine and give it a wash before i use it.. i don't have a problem with thrifted bedding. obviously if it was completely rammy to start with i wouldn't buy it but a good ol 60 degree wash wont do it any harm!!
i got these great baskets for storing my veg.. i think because i keep it in its plastic wrapping the whole time it goes off quicker.. so i thought these would be ideal..and they have pretty tile pictures on of fruit etc so very apt..
ooo here's a pic of my under stairs cupboard which i lovingly call the pantry!!.. its a right mess at the minute.. it gets sorted out at least once a month and then never fails to become a mess again..
I'm thinking of giving a it a paint and putting oilcloth on the shelves brighten it up a bit.. and then maybe it will be given a bit more respect!!!
a sweet little cushion.. that I'll pretend Ive made ha ha.. actually this was pretty weired.. it was in a vacuum packed plastic bag and was as flat as a biscuit.. i didn't know if it was a bag or what.. the people behind the till had to open the packaging up as we were all a little bit unsure of what it was.. but it soon plumped up when it got into the air .( how mad is that!!)
oo here's an addition to the winter wardrobe.. a red tartan kilt.. i love it.. its actually a couple of dress sizes bigger than what i wear but a bit worryingly it fits perfect.. eeek.. we'll just say its because its vintage!!!
The bedding is lovely and all said and done when you go a hotel they don't use new bedding every time.
ReplyDeleteI love bedding with lace on it and yours is very pretty.I think the ideas for your 'pantry' are great.I've always wanted a pantry! Hope you find a lovely new pair of boots to wear with your kilt. :0)
ReplyDeleteI love having pj days my kids and i have them all the time in the holidays well not every day but a few of them they are the best ;-)) You have found some lovely items, i love the bedding its really pretty i have bought second hand as well its like Amanda says about going to a hotel thats how i feel to. Your skirt is lovely and so are the baskets they look great on your shelves. Enjoy all your lovely new finds. Dee ;-)) x
ReplyDeleteOOhhh just looked at the fireplace you got on your flickr page...fantastic!
love the wallpaper btw....very cute look!xx
I love the pantry - I want one - the house did have a "cupboard" but we had to put the heating boiler in there so there isnt much room :( X
ReplyDeleteOoh your pantry is fab. We have an understairs cupboard like that but currently it is stuffed with crap from when we moved in. We need to set aside a weekend and clear it all out and use as a bulk buy food store.
ReplyDeleteYours will look lovely with oil cloth (I got some recently on ebay for next to nothing).
I got pretty much the exact same skirt from a charity shop last week. Mine is a bit long but I might just leave it and wear it with knee high boots on draughty and nippy days.